Homemade Instruments - Rainmaker


This homemade Rainmaker is a fun way to make lots of noise at a celebration such as New Year's Eve or a birthday - or just for a kitchen band!

Homemade Instruments - Rainmaker

You will need:

A snack tube or a long cardboard tube (such as used for kitchen foil)
Paint (gold or silver)
Glitter and sequins
Lentils or rice

To make:

Paint your tube and leave to dry. Decorate the tube with sequins and glitter.

Fill the tube about 1/5 full of rice or lentils and glue the lid on securely. If you are using a kitchen foil tube, you will need to cut circles of card or paper and fix them very securely over each end.

Tip the tube from side to side to hear the rice fall.

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